Our first annual Mexicali Blues tee shirt design contest was a rousing success, with many talented artists submitting their awesome designs that best embodied the "Mexicali Spirit". Above you will see the winning design, by Douglas Comstock from Bristol, Maine. While it was extremely difficult to choose, we really dug his design for all the awesome details and the fact that from far away it looks like a face while up close it is a groovy yogi! Well done, Douglas! We are looking forward to printing and wearing your design!
Here are some more of our awesome submissions:
We loved everybody's designs, and wish we could make all of them into tee shirts! Thank you so much for your submissions, and get stoked for another design competition next year!
Mexicali Blues is a Maine-based company that since 1988 has offered an original line of Mexicali clothing, one of a kind jewelry, and handmade giftware. By traveling to distant countries such as Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, India, Nepal, Thailand and Indonesia, the Mexicali crew responsibly searches out the finest variety of unique items. By directly importing and avoiding catalog suppliers, Mexicali Blues can directly pass along the savings on quality merchandise at an affordable price.
Wow, so many beautiful designs! I don't know how you were able to choose just one!